Hopping Down In Kent : "HOPPING DOWN IN KENT
Now some say hopping's lousy I don't believe it's true
We only go down hopping to pick a hop or two
With me tee-aye-I, Tee-aye-O, Tee-aye-ee-aye-o.
Now when I went a hopping, hopping down in Kent
I saw old Mrs. Riley a-sweeping out her tent.
Now every Monday morning just at six o-clock
You'll hear the old hoppers calling: Get up and boil your pot
Now Sunday is our washing day, don;t we wash it clean
We boil it in our hopping pots and hang it on the green
Now do you want any money? Yes sir if you please
To buy a hock of bacon, a pound of mouldy cheese
Now here comes our old measurer, with his long nose and chin
With his ten gallon basket, and don't he pop 'em in!
Now when our old pole-puller he does come around
He says: Come on you dirty ol' hop-pickers, pick 'em up all off the ground
Now hopping is all over, all the money spent
And don...