
Showing posts from June, 2010

Audience Research for museum - a case study

This is an illustration of an example (fictional) of research into a museum's audience. sca_audiences_illustrative_v1-03.pdf (application/pdf Object)

Liberal Arts, Sciences and Urban Studies - University of Westminster

This is the course I am lecturing on for the next 6 weeks for the University of Westminster. Very nice students. Liberal Arts, Sciences and Urban Studies - University of Westminster

LFA2010 - City Insights Southwark

This is a project to provide more information about the City available for mobile phones - personally I think it need some information that is available without using phones. The Old Operating Theatre Museum appears on it. LFA2010 - City Insights Southwark

Hinton St Mary Mosaic Petition

Here is a petition to ask the British Museum director to display the entire Hinton St Mary mosaic rather than simply a roundel in the middle with the Chi Rho symbol (thought to represent Christ) At the same time can they explain why the story of Britain starts in an inauspicious way in the middle of a room? Hinton St Mary Mosaic Petition

Stonehenge visitor centre cancelled

ConDems have cancelled the Stonehenge visitor centre - which has been years in the planning. Unbelievable. BBC News - In Full: The projects axed or suspended by government


VIVA VAUXHALL! GUIDED WALK WITH ALY MIR Sunday 20 June Meet 11am outside Starbucks, opposite Vauxhall Underground, Exit 2; free to VCS members, otherwise £2 towards VCS funds Aly Mir's take on Vauxhall includes the venue for the first-ever FA Cup Final, the birth of Vauxhall Motors, the gallows that were to be the death of many an unfortunate, a park where people power gathered pace, not forgetting the mansion of a Duke and the cottage of a prince. Info & map: whatson/event/9098 PIMP YOUR PAVEMENT: GUERRILLA GARDENING GUIDED WALK Sunday 20 June Meet 3pm at the centre of the north roundabout of the Elephant & Castle; £5 - book at A 90 minute walking tour of guerrilla gardens of SE1 with Richard Reynolds, founder of and author of On Guerrilla Gardening. Learn about why, how and what has happened over the last six years of their creation and pick up gardening tips on the way. ...

In Their Own Words - Transfer Studio

Transfer Studios take on designing my book In Their Own Words - Transfer Studio

I know this great little place in London…

Web site about great little places in London - the Old Operating theatre Museum obviously appears. I know this great little place in London…

Road Scholar: Educational Travel and Learning Vacations for Adults from Alaska to Italy

This is the rebranded Elderhostel web site - renamed after a name clash. Road Scholar: Educational Travel and Learning Vacations for Adults from Alaska to Italy

Stephen Walter's The Island Map

Great Map of London - we like in Crapton! Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art - Stephen Walter's The Island

The Antonine Itinerary

tony Clayton's blog The Antonine Itinerary

Exploritas: Road Scholar - elderhostel gets a second new name

elderhostel - an american charity promoting travel has lost its new name Exploritas and has changed its name for the second time this year and is now going to be called Road Scholar Exploritas: Road Scholar

Communities of practice by Etienne Wenger

No not Arsene but an interesting look at knowledge. Communities of practice ref given to me by Madina

Guided Tour at Red Cross Garden [12 June]

Red Cross Gardens is one of London's earliest social housing projects initiated by the founder of the National Trust - Octavia Hill To find out more go on the Guided Tour at Red Cross Garden [12 June]

Peasants revolt walk on Thursday 10th June

I am doing my annual Peasants Revolt Walk this Thursday Evening starting at 6.30 from Aldgate East. (June 10th) The walk will trace the route of the Peasants as they enter London from Essex leading to the culmination of the Revolt with the confrontation with the King and Mayor in Smithfield in June 1381