on popular demand: 30th of June at 7.pm THROUGH A GLASS DARKLY At this exclusive evening of mind-reading and cold-reading performance,The London Magician will talk about, and demonstrate, the mind-reading and magical effects that first flourished in the Victorian séances hosted by fraudulent mediums - people who were emulating genuine psychics in parlours across England. Meeting the dead, past-life regressions, amazing mind-reading, apports - the fraudulent mediums were the forefathers of the cold reading prodigies of today. But more than being told, you will be shown: magic will be performed, minds read, tales and fortunes told. Illusion, mentalism and conjuring meet, through a glass darkly. £15 (available on the door or at lastminute.com) More vents coming soon! Watch this space! -- If you do not want to receive any more newsletters, this link To update your preferences and to unsub...