
Showing posts from April, 2017

Remains of five 'lost' Archbishops of Canterbury found - BBC News

Amazing images of the los crypt in St Mary at Lambeth. Remains of five 'lost' Archbishops of Canterbury found - BBC News

Huge collection of Celtic warrier images

(164) Pinterest • The world’s catalog of ideas Huge collection of Celtic warrier images

Introducing the Freud Museum - YouTube

New introductory film on the Freud Museum Introducing the Freud Museum - YouTube

Eric Gill exhibition to confront child sex abuse | Museums Association

This is an important issue - can you show work by artists who did despicable acts?  Can we dance to Gary Glitter?  or go to an Eric Gill exhibition?  The last question will be answered if you go to this exhibition. Eric Gill exhibition to confront child sex abuse | Museums Association

“In with a bang and out like fools!” Sheep farming

Now that I am taking some country tours I'm trying to find out about farming.  This is very useful Year on a Sheep Farm | National Sheep Association : “In with a bang and out like fools!”