CHR web site updated - publishing blogs
I have spent some time improving the look and the spelling of the CHR/And Did Those Feet web site. Firstly, a little bit of a redesign - firstly so it is more accessible with no fixed sized tables, secondly, with a new colour scheme - going from blue to red and reorganistion so looks better.
On the design side I used as my inspiration the site at
The most interesting improvement though is that I have used Feed Digest to publish my blog onto my web site thus adding content without much effort. I have used a keyword search for different pages so that only archaeology is mentioned on the archaeology page, museums on the museum page etc.
I now have feeds from my blog, my furl and from the 24 hour museum.
My next development is to see if I can publish using php pages because in this way the blog content gets indexed via google and will help market the site.
Have a look here, as you will find interesting items on archaeology, museums and London.
On the design side I used as my inspiration the site at
The most interesting improvement though is that I have used Feed Digest to publish my blog onto my web site thus adding content without much effort. I have used a keyword search for different pages so that only archaeology is mentioned on the archaeology page, museums on the museum page etc.
I now have feeds from my blog, my furl and from the 24 hour museum.
My next development is to see if I can publish using php pages because in this way the blog content gets indexed via google and will help market the site.
Have a look here, as you will find interesting items on archaeology, museums and London.