Asus EEE PC - excellent device!

I have now owned an EEC pc for 2 weeks and have tested it in action. After an initial disappointment or two I can now say it is fantastic and shows the way the future is going and the future is not going the way that Bill Gates and Microsoft would like!

The combination of facilities for £200 is really very good - the wireless works really well, the webcam is good, the open office software as good as ever. The small size of the hard disc not a problem if used for portable work only. It really works as a light weigh device you can take away from your main computer. It is not good enough to be your one and only PC but is great as a lightweight - only 0.9kg I can take it everywhere.

I now need a lightweight projector and I am fully mobile.

Some nagging issues with linux but really it does show that it no longer matters if you use windows, linux or mac - I think this is the lesson I have learnt and this means the end for Microsoft and the dominance of operating system. Who cares which you use?

Just for the record the problems I had at first were:

a. I could not get it to read my mmc cards and usb sticks

However, one of my 4gb mmc cards worked so that meant I had the bridge between PC, EEE pc and Treo palm phone so all was integrated. Still a bit of a concern that these devices which all work on mac and xp don't just plug and play in Linux. When tracking down solutions on the internet most of the linux advice is incomprehensible.

b. the resolution when displayed on a data projector was poor - however I found that you can change the setting to a reasonable one which means quality is good enough for projector work.


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