London Museums Group

This was my short report to the London Museums of Health and Medicine Group email list re the London Museums Group

LMG has continued to meet regularly. The minutes can be accessed by visiting the group's web page on MLA, London's web site at:

The links to the minutes are found at the bottom of the page.

The Group has set up a series of successful training and networking days details of which are on the web site. The next meeting is:

Money, Money, Money: Meeting the Challenges of Sustainable Income Generation
Thursday 3rd July 2008

The Committee meetings continue to be dominated by Renaissance matters, as MLA, London and the Hub Museums use the LMG members to receive feedback on their programmes. In general, our stance is to try to broaden the nature of Hub projects so that as many Museums as possible are included or the impact of the project is widened to benefit the wider museum community.

We also look at policy issues such as the cuts imposed on MLA, plans for the Olympics etc.

And feed back our opinion to relevant bodies.

This year, with Hub reorganisation LMG members have been invited to sit on the Programme Management Groups which are committees which Monitor the London hub's progress towards its business plan. I am sitting on the 'Regional Offer PMG' for example.

The LMG is obviously carrying out a useful role. Developing that role, from my perspective, is the next major hurdle - whether LMG can not only react to Hub decisions but whether the LMG can successfully create its own policy positions derived from the wider LMG membership.

LMG has therefore been discussing improving communications between LMG and its membership and has decided that the first stage is to include information in the MLA, London's Updates for London Museums information email.

Fiona Talbott has resigned as Chair of the committee.


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