Beardsley Walk


Pierrot of Pimlico and Piccadilly

"London is adorably bright and busy."

Presented by Alexia Lazou

Sunday 7th September 2008, 3pm

Meet outside Pimlico Tube Station, Rampayne Street Exit. There you will
recognise the Beardsley Woman carrying a Yellow Book under her arm.
Accompany her to various places associated with Aubrey in Pimlico. Then,
after "A Short Ride in an Omnibus", reconvene at Green Park Underground
Station to plunge into the publishing domain of Lane and Smithers. The walk
will last approximately three hours and will conclude for refreshment at a
nearby public house.

Recommended reading:

Aubrey Beardsley: A Biography by Matthew Sturgis, Harper Collins 1998

Aubrey Beardsley by Stephen Calloway, V&A Publications 1998

Aubrey Beardsley (drawings) by Brian Reade, Antique Collectors' Club 1987

The Letters of Aubrey Beardsley edited by Henry Maas, JL Duncan & WG Good,
Cassell & Co. Ltd. 1970

Under The Hill, or The Story of Venus and Tannhäuser by Aubrey Beardsley,
various editions

Alexia Lazou is a Beardsley enthusiast who interprets his life and work
through many forms, from tours to costumes to biscuits.

The walk is free. Afterwards there will be a collection for donations for
The London Adventure Children's Fund, which this year is supporting Kids
Company: (Reg. charity 1068298)

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