Reading an interesting piece in Conservation Bulletin which gives a set of criteria for redevelopment:
'Continuity and context in urbanism and architecture: the honesty of a living tradition'
by Hank Dittmar, Chief Executive, the Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment
'...The Prince's Foundation has evolved a series of principles for building in an historic context. These principles were launched by HRH The Prince ofWales at a conference on New Buildings in Old Places. There are five core ideas.
• Recognition that sustainability means building for the long term — one hundred years, rather than twenty years.
• Because of this, building in an adaptable and flexible manner, reassessing and reusing existing buildings wherever possible.
• Building in a manner that fits the place, in terms of materials used, proportion and layouts and _ climate, ecology and building practices.
• Building beautifully, in a manner that builds upon tradition, evolving it in response to present challenges and utilising present-day resources and techniques.
• And finally, understanding the purpose of a building or group of buildings within the hierarchy of the buildings around it and responding with an appropriate building type and design. '
Conservation bulletin \ Issue 59: Autumn 2008
'Continuity and context in urbanism and architecture: the honesty of a living tradition'
by Hank Dittmar, Chief Executive, the Prince's Foundation for the Built Environment
'...The Prince's Foundation has evolved a series of principles for building in an historic context. These principles were launched by HRH The Prince ofWales at a conference on New Buildings in Old Places. There are five core ideas.
• Recognition that sustainability means building for the long term — one hundred years, rather than twenty years.
• Because of this, building in an adaptable and flexible manner, reassessing and reusing existing buildings wherever possible.
• Building in a manner that fits the place, in terms of materials used, proportion and layouts and _ climate, ecology and building practices.
• Building beautifully, in a manner that builds upon tradition, evolving it in response to present challenges and utilising present-day resources and techniques.
• And finally, understanding the purpose of a building or group of buildings within the hierarchy of the buildings around it and responding with an appropriate building type and design. '
Conservation bulletin \ Issue 59: Autumn 2008