Salon IFA 227 reports closures and threats to various museums - particularly shocking is the threat to the Butchery Road museum in Canterbury. 'Further gloomy news is emerging from the museums sector, where national museums and galleries, such as the British Museum and the Royal Academy, are attracting record numbers of visitors, but smaller museums are under threat, principally from local authority spending cuts, though the diversion of Heritage Lottery Funds into the Olympics is also being blamed for a shortage of funds for the sector. Museums are responding by reducing opening hours (Glasgow Council plans to shut five museums on Mondays to help save £60m, Bournemouth’s Russell-Cotes Art Gallery is considering winter closure to save £79,000 and Brighton’s Booth Museum of Natural History is contemplating a three-and-a-half-day week as part of the council’s £8m savings package), by selling assets (the Royal Cornwall Museum in Truro is planning to sell two paintings to raise £3m), b...