Roman Life
Life in Roman Britain: every object tells a story
A one-day conference organised by the Museum of London in collaboration with the Roman Finds Group will be held on Saturday March 19th 2011 at the Weston Theatre, Museum of London
10.30am Registration (Theatre Foyer)
11.00am Life in Roman Britain
Lindsay Allason-Jones (University of Newcastle)
11.30am Domestic life in Roman London
Angela Wardle (Museum of London Archaeology)
12.00pm Lighting & heating
Hella Eckardt (University of Reading)
12.30-2.00 LUNCH (not provided)
There will be displays in the Clore Learning Centre during lunch and the opportunity to purchase the new book, Roman Artefacts, published by CUP
2.00pm Medicine & hygiene
Ralph Jackson (British Museum)
2.30pm Health in Roman London
Rebecca Redfern (Centre for Human Bioarchaeology, Museum of London)
3.00pm Funerary rites
Hilary Cool (Barbican Associates)
3.30 - 4.00 TEA
4.00pm Military life
Mike Bishop (Roman military specialist)
4.30pm Writing & communication
Roger Tomlin (Wolfson College Oxford)
5.00pm Roman London - the next story to tell
Jenny Hall (Museum of London)
5.30 CLOSE
Cost (including afternoon tea): £12, RFG members £9.
To book tickets please send your name, address, and email address together with a cheque for the correct amount made payable to the Roman Finds Group and a stamped, self-addressed envelope, to Jenny Hall, Department of Archaeological Collections, Museum of London, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN.
If you have any useful information please sent it for consideration of inclusion to: