Operation Stonehenge: what the TV films left out | Mike Pitts – Digging Deeper
The argument Mike Pitts makes is that the recent TV programme on the survey results of the Stonehenge Landscape left out much of the story of Stonehenge as discovered by recent excavation.
While this is certainly true, and to get the most our of the programme you need to read Mike Parker Pearson's book on Stonehenge, the programmes did reveal some of the major results of the new project.
So it was essential, if annoying viewing.
Operation Stonehenge: what the TV films left out | Mike Pitts – Digging Deeper
While this is certainly true, and to get the most our of the programme you need to read Mike Parker Pearson's book on Stonehenge, the programmes did reveal some of the major results of the new project.
So it was essential, if annoying viewing.
Operation Stonehenge: what the TV films left out | Mike Pitts – Digging Deeper