Millais exhibition
I visited the Millais Exhibition on its last day-long queue. Good exhibition, though, as the variety of Millais work was quite amazing.
he has his super-realistic Preraphaelitic method which he seemed to use to the end, and his softer, less precise late style which is so different, and according to the texd was influenced by Valasquez.
he has his super-realistic Preraphaelitic method which he seemed to use to the end, and his softer, less precise late style which is so different, and according to the texd was influenced by Valasquez.
The design was simple, the route was chronological, the texts were simply written, concise not twaddle. Interesting terms they used:
erotic longings - (mariana)
operatic illustionism - which is the stuff before the pre=-Raphaelitis - I assume frith etc.
phyical yearnings
pychological realism
ie. Moving away from the idealism of the past.
Sent from my Treo mobile phone, so apologese for spelliing and abrieviations.
If using this I am ilkely to be out of the office for at least the day