The Participative Web | Kimind Consulting

I have been mulling over the idea that a fundamental 'paradigm shift' in Kuhn's terminology has been taking place. Just as liberal humanism was followed by modernism and structuralism, and those by their post-modern and post structuralist movements, we now seem to be entering a new age in which the paradigm is participation. Wikipedia, MySpace, YouTube and other web 2.0 technologies are leading the way to a new future. Architects are increasingly consulting with their public, and politicians allow on-line petitions and on-line voting. It can only be a short time before we the public help draw up laws.

I wonder if the attacks on the reliability of wikipedia are similar to attacks on antiseptic surgery - i.e. the old guard fearful of a new emerging reality.

I have not published anything about this and am now probably too late as these thoughts are surfacing.

The Participative Web | Kimind Consulting


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