Evering Road DIY Street Consultation

Evering Road and Brooke Road in Hackney have been choosen for a grant scheme to test methods of providing cheap Home Zone type traffic calming arrangements. Funded by Hackney Council and the Essmee Fairbain Trust, and organised by Sustrans. Good to meet the neighbours although I guess I was disappointed that the consultancy was really about the Junction not about the neighbourhood.

However, first step - I suggested a high tech community notice board.

Evering Road has an interesting set of front gardens showing signs of 19th Century through to 21st Century fashion. If you look at the pictures you will see that the front gardens in Evering Roads have features in them that date back to all periods since the road was built in the 1850's. Attractive tiles from the Victorian period; Concrete from the twentieth Century, bricks, stone and all sorts of variety including complete dumps from the late 20th - early 21st. Another point of interest is to discover what the original walls would have looked like.


Anonymous said…
Hi Kevin

Just read your post about Evering Rd gardens as I'm trying to research the front walls and railings. I'm in one of the large double fronted houses at the Clapton end and we are looking into rebuilding our walls and putting in railings. I couldn't see where to look at the photos you mention or get the movie to work. Would be interested to hear from you if you have any further info. Thanks,
Penny (at) evering dot org

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