Early November

The Old Operating Theatre Museum

Still waiting for news as to when the Old Operating Theatre Museum has to move to the Crypt

Have spent some of the week improving the web site and working on new project - 'Lifelong in Southwark' which deals with the issue of longevity and the modern health agenda in Southwark - - went to see SAVO and SCCF - two Southwark voluntary quangos - great help from Chris Todd and Gregg Hutchinson.

Attended FundAssist seminar in which Keith Benson explained ways of improving business funding. Double booked myself so Stewart went, on our behalf, to the European Funding seminar on Euclid - the aim to set up a project to bring us closer to European Dissection Theatres such as Uppsala and Padua. Tried to attend fundraising seminar at the Innovatory, in Hackney but their doorman and manager said it had been postponed and sent me away. I later on discover this was rubbish and the course was going on just above our heads. The only other time I have had dealings with this group, they cancelled the meeting 5 minutes before I turned up! - is public money safe at such an organisation?

As Hugh has gone to Brazil I'm next in line to do our Public Heath walk. I also have to find another guide, VisitSouthwark suggest Simon Rodway, who calls himself, the Silver Cane Guide, to help out. I reorganise the briefing notes for Simon, the walks go really well and I think we have got the content up to scratch. Strangely, it is easier to cover the distance when starting at Hay's Galleria, if we start at the Museum tend to get bogged down in detail and find it hard to reach Hays.

Central Saint Martin's Creative Practice for Narrative Environments Course

First year Tutorials this week - exhausting trying to get so much in to so short a period! But the students seem to have enjoyed themselves! Maybe a little more uncertainty among the curators and writers than the visual designers.

Second year projects going well - most of my students have begun to shape their ideas - some pretty exciting!

Re reading Dust Or Magic: Secrets Of Successful Multimedia Design very good - like the section on creativity.

Also reading Landscape Narratives By Matthen Potteiger And Jamie Purington

Just finished reading about the Pre-Raphaelite Women and Lizzie Siddal.


Nearly finished the paperwork for the year - and do costings for 2007 - its very difficult to plan so far ahead!


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