Bath - new Baths

This week I have been lecturing to a group on archaeology and took them to Bath. Boiling hot day - interesting to see that Grimshaw's new Bath Spa is about to open (Aug 7th 2006). It incorporates the Cross Bath and the Hot Spa, the former by Thomas Baldwin and the later by John Wood. The Hot spa was square and those Grimshaw's stone and glass box can be said to fit in with the Georgian architecture. From the brochure it all looks marvellous with any number of ungents and exotic massages, wraps and pommelling. Seems very elistist to me - it means the public cannot see inside the Cross or Hot Spa, it means that a community pool that was once filled with Bath spa water is now only available to those paying multiples of £10 to get in. Granted to pool was long ruined, but I still think they should have added at least one small element of public access in a lottery funded project.

What, I ask, is the lottery funding elitist spas for in the first place?


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