Ideas to improve furl

I find furl ( invaluable. However, couple of things I would help improve it.

I use it as partly bookmark, and partly information database, partly blog and partly bibliographic tool, and partly to track what I do. I can see furl falling behind as other techologies develop. So just a few ideas on how it might develop.

1. develop the bibliographic bits of it so it can also be used for books and articles

2. Ineeds a graphic overhaul - doesn't look as good as flickr, etc.

3. Would be good to be able to customise one's view, to enable it to be part of one's own web site.

4. Need to develop the blog aspect - I currently have blog and furl while I would rather just have furl

5. One problem is that I cannot use furl to help drive content to my web site or even to my furl archive - my furl archive only appears in a google search in an unreadable xml rss format. One of the things I offer is my expertise in the sites I visit - would be good if furl was better at helping me 'cash' in on this.

6. Categorisation - needs hierarchical subject headings.

I have to set up headings as:

archaeology general
archaeology - prehistoric
archaeology - roman


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