couple of suggestions re wiki

Here is a good clear article on setting up mediawiki on your own computer and other tips -
My thoughts were that I'd like such clear instructions for 'How to install mediawiki on your host.'

Also is there a wiki for a PDA?

I've been experimenting with a free wiki site called

Worth having a look.

I've been using wiki for a year or two now and and what I'm really interested in is how to integrate a wiki and a normal web site.
I want to allow the addition of community comments to our existing pages without sending them off to a different page.
I'm thinking maybe of having a wiki panel at the bottom of each page - not sure how to do it.

Wikis seem to me to be the way forward, not only for web sites but for society. I see them as the realisation of the principles of anarchy - society run by self-managing groups. Anarchy as a political philosophy is attractive but always has seemed impossibly naive.

Wikis like wikipedia show how a community can create their own self organisation - I can even envisage legislation being drawn up by the use of wikis - creating public involvement in government without the draw back of referenda.

kevin Flude


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