Modes Web Server

Surprised to see that the museum database system - called Modes written by the MDA, sells a web server version which means you set your computer up as a server. Although they also offer a hosting service, seems onerous on the museum to set up their own server - surely would have made sense to set their system up to be hosted on your own host?

Its about time that the MDA changed over to open source - they have been trapped in their own proprietory system since the 1970's.


Anonymous said…
You're a bit out of date on the situation, Kevin. MODES was handed over to an independent non-profit company - the MODES Users Association - over ten years ago. See their web site. At the time of the handover, MODES was a DOS program only; the MUA has developed MODES for Windows, and more recently ModesXML, itself. Therefore MDA is, quite rightly in my view, not producing any software of its own.

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