YouTube, Lebanon and pop videos

I investigated to see what it was about. Some interesting videos on the Lebanon Crisis - one showing a grilling of a Isreali spokeswoman cut with images of civic destruction in Lebanon, another purporting to show Hisbolah rocket lorries hiding in civilian infrasructure.

It was convincing showing rockets launching from civic areas but if a gunman hids behind a group of civilians you don't open fire, killing them all do you?

Of course it is the gunman's fault - but you expect individuals, gangstars, terrorists to be irresponsible - you don't expect the same from civilised governments?

I find the destruction of Lebanon that was rebuilding itself after years of civil war so sad. It shows up Isreal as the local bully and I cannot see how Britain can have in any way supported it.

Taking on Hisbolah is one thing - bombing an international airport, bridges, power stations - clearly to teach Lebanon a lesson appalling.

I am also shocked that Britain and American can have made it clear they were not calling for an immediate ceasefire. Just on a point of diplomacy, surely they would have realised they could have called for an immediate ceasefire perhaps knowing this was unlikely. But to say they were not working for an immediate ceasefire means, in effect, that they condoned the attack on Lebanon. Then shipping in munitions via Britain compounded the error.

This is crazy, stupid diplomacy - it may be honest but it is also stupid. I did not think Tony Blair was stupid before.

Also, Blair's call for a rethink on the Middle East is clearly important, clearly he realised he has made a mistake and needs to regain a more neutral position. But the whole situatino makes me realise that my whole construction of our attitude re Iraq was wrong-headed. I had thought that an urgency to solve the Middle East was an obvious quid pro quo of our involvement in Iraq. I was convinced Blair was using his influence with the USA to help solve the Middle east crisis. This is clearly the reason we have trouble with Al quadi. But Bush seems to have been completely negligent on this issue and it makes it seem that we got nothing from the special relationship with the US.

Anyway, on a lighter note this was the best thing I found on YouTube.

YouTube - OK Go - Here It Goes Again


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